Lewy Body Dementia is a disease that takes on the cognitive decline of Alzheimer’s along with the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that together wreak havoc on both the mind and body. 

According to the Lewy Body Dementia Resource Center, Lewy Body Dementia affects approximately 1.4 million people in the United States. Watching my own father struggle with this disease for more than 10 years was devastating. Watching my children witness Grandpa’s decline was even harder. When my father was diagnosed with Lewy Body disease 15 years ago, we were told that he had two terrible diseases — Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.  Once we finally had a proper diagnosis of Lewy Body Dementia, we continued to refer to it as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s because no-one had ever heard of Lewy Body Disease. It is now much more well known as Robin Williams, Casey Kasem and Ted Turner are believed to suffered from it bringing more awareness in recent years. However, it is still commonly misdiagnosed, not well known and resources to help children understand and cope with a loved one and Lewy are scarce.  Grandpa and Lewy addresses some of the symptoms that LBD patients face and how a child might help a love one dealing with the disease.  

One of the best resources that I have found in the fight against Lewy is the Lewy Body Dementia Association. Their website has a wealth of in-depth information, resources and community outreach.

Visit http://LBDA.ORG to learn more.

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